Articles in the IT category

Reading Unifi Ubiquiti USG SNMP to Zabbix

I shall be neither seen nor heard. Watch me.

Using rsync to copy deltas from A to B via USB

Buster had grown anxious in the confined space of the copy room.

Resurrecting MindTouch DekiWiki

It looks like he's dead

Raspberry Pi security camera meshed network

I didn’t want you to look stupid on the security cameras.

How the hell do people put up with Microsoft Windows

No-no, not-not-not not hot wrong. You know, regular wrong.

Installing Debian on a Dell M3800

The office is a mess. I still haven't replaced Kitty.

Brief rant on (trying to) use iSCSI on a QNAP 569L

And she did finally lead him to the storage unit. Unfortunately, it was on fire.

Tomdroid - a free, roaming, distributed, secure, personal notes management

I mean, we still leave notes to this day.

Copying ESXi virtual machine guests

I thought my AARP card was good for one and a guest.

ESXi on a low cost, low power, small footprint, decent memory Haswell i5

Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?

High capacity crypto-RAID on a Raspberry Pi

Oh, it's probably all in a storage unit somewhere

A (possibly) simple fix for GRUB error: file not found

You’re wearing ostrich-skin boots.

Create a CSV heading line from your mysql query script with bash

If you’re heading for Portugal, it’s due south.

Using salt to install etckeeper

Mum's house-keeper?

VMware ersatz commentator

Well you've just passed my ethics test

De-duplicating across multiple tables in MySQL

Maybe we're not family


Free Chicken

Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a Lenovo Z380

We all do expose our inner desires

Forget the ceiling cat - the ad agencies see all

You'd better bring some dog food

Autumn cleaning

And clean the dumbwaiter while you're at it

The Joy Of Mynt

Not tricks! – Illusions.

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