This is the gallery. Also available at this site - rambles.


These were taken in July 2013 ... after several years of complaining that London just doesn't get good thunderstorms, and after missing a truly spectacular one in Marrakesh this time a year ago (dinner with new friends beckoned) I was happy to stay up until about 2am catching several hundred shots, and distilling the result down to this handful.

Note that white balance is a bit skewy on these, though surprisingly not by much. Manual focus to infinity, noise-reduction turned off (so a few hot pixels here and there) as NR on the Oly E-620 means you lose about half your opportunities for shots. Manual exposure of course, flipping between 4s at f5.6 or 8s at f4, and then high-speed shooting left clicking away. A few relocations of the camera to try to capture the movement of the storm, as well as get out of the way of the downpour that eventually arrived.

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